Monday, January 13, 2014

Blog 1- Introduction

Salutations fellow classmates.

My name is Ian Felten and I have never really done a blog before... To start and to be honest, which I normally always am, I struggle a lot with knowing what I am thinking and forming opinions on different topics, so this blog should be a good way for me to think it out and record it! First, a few things you need to know about me is that I love science and math, therefore, I am a Biomedical Science major. Second, history, english, and especially reading are very difficult for me so this class is extremely challenging! Why did I choose this class? In high school, I took three years of Spanish and really loved it. I really enjoyed the different culture and thought that knowing a second language was really cool. Also, ever since I was little, I have wanted to go on a mission trip to a Spanish speaking country. Unfortunately, I have not been able to leave this country at all... I would love to study abroad sometime or at least travel to Latin America. This class has really reinforced my desire to travel, seeing the different cultures of Latin America and learning the history behind the people. More honesty now... I really dislike history. Sorry Prof. Stark and Serrata. I know you do not like to hear that. It just does not work in my head and it is extremely frustrating. I try my best, but my comprehension of history is just not there. However! This class is really challenging me and forcing me to think and question a lot of things, which is good. Also, this class is helping me realize that history is extremely important along with the useful life skills we are learning. This next semester should be a fun one. I am looking forward to spending it with you guys and hopefully I am at least a little bit interesting!

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